Tuesday, May 24, 2011

#6 Always Put Your Name On Your Paper

That's right. When you hand in work at school--always remember to put your name on it! I'm telling you to take credit where credit is due.

In school I struggled for a while to remember to put my name on things. This ended up in me turning in work only to get a grade of zero. With no name on my paper, my teachers didn't know who the A (or B or C) belonged to and they also knew it wasn't really their job to track through hundreds of students to figure it out. They settled instead for giving the nameless papers a zero because they can't give credit to someone who doesn't claim their work. However, I also think the teachers were making a much bigger point.

My teachers were teaching me to take pride in the things I do. They were teaching me that I should be doing such good and hard work that I WANT to take credit for it. They knew that in life, if you don't take credit and put your own personal signature on the things you do and the things you work for then someone else will come along and take it for themselves.

Please dear daughter, put your name on your work. You should spend your life doing your best and being involved in things you are proud of. Things you want to take credit for. If ever you find yourself turning in work so poor, or involved in things so shameful you don't want your name associated with them, then you need to stop and reconsider your choices.

Signing Out For Now -- Your Mother-- Jessica Moore

1 comment:

  1. Very sound advice for someone so young. I hope your daughter pays close attention.
